Saturday, February 28, 2009


So we pretty much traveled to every place in Morocco, the only major city I didn't make it to was Fes. Anyways, I flew into Casablanca on Thursday, and somehow made it to the train station in the city. It was very hard to get around in Morocco because the only languages people spoke were French & Arabic. We somehow got helped by a cab driver for free while standing outside of the train station. We weren't even going to talk to him because people said that if anyone helps you out in any way, you have to pay them. showing you where the bakery is, or some stupid shit like that. About 99% of this is true, but we somehow got some free information & a cheap ride to a hostel in the city.
Casablanca was a pretty cool place, right outside of the city, there was extreme poverty like none I've ever seen. A guy from England that was living there told me that the average daily wage in Morocco is 40 Dirhams, which totals out to be about 4 Euro. Anyways, we saw this huge Mosque about 5 km outside of the city and it was the biggest building & plaza I've ever seen. The plaza was about the size of maybe 6 or 7 Super Wal-Marts and the Mosque was the size of 1.
The food was wicked cheap there, in every city. A whole meal costed about 3 Euros with a huge bottle of water and the shops & hostels were cheap also. I got a chess set made out of marble & handmade chess pieces for only 120 Dirhams (12 euro), but it would've sold in the U.S. for probably $60-70. For breakfast, we usually got a big baguette that only costed about 10 cents. I ate so much bread & water there that I don't know if I want to see bread for about a month....

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