Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Day Germany...in Mannheim

So with only 2 hrs of sleep in 2 nights, I finally made it to D-land at 7:30 this morning (1:3o am Eastern time). My plans were to take the train an hour south to Mannheim to drop my bags off at my friend Charlie's apartment. He goes to UT also & is studying abroad along with an internship in Mannheim for two semesters.....

Back to the flight....Luckily, the guy that was sitting next to me on my flight had to go in the same direction that I did and he offered me a ride to Mannheim for free....sounds shady I know...but he was a pretty cool guy. Aaron Bishop, a member of the U.S. aid, is on his way to Ethiopia for 3 years to help out with some accounting job. Anyways, he dropped me off this morning in Mannheim around 10am and I had to somehow get to Charlie's apartment with no phone & no directions.

I managed to speak with a German chick around my age, and she let me use her Handy (German for cell phone). After about 20 minutes of train & bus rides (that I slipped on without paying for a ticket), I finally made it to Chuck's apartment.

We sat around for awhile then ate lunch & saw the city. Mannheim is a huge place, very interesting though. We ate a cafeteria that had some excellent curry wurst with fries & soup/salad. .....and all for only 1,50 euro (almost $2). The beer here is wicked cheap also. ONLY 0,50 euro for a pint (64 cents)!!! And it has a higher alcohol content at 6.2%.

At 3:15am tomorrow (well tonight), I catch a bus back to Frankfurt Hahn so I can catch my flight at 6:50 am to Spain, where I will eventually make it to Morocco, Africa by Thursday. These posts are soon to come.

.......But up until 3:15 am tomorrow, there is a huge party that Chuck's university is putting on for international students, so I suppose we're going to go to that to have some fun.

As for now, I'm spent. Going to take a nap for a few hours.

Check back later for info on the party & the trips to Spain & Africa..........

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